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Audition Theory Class 

Four Tuesdays

March 11 thru April 1 

11 am - 4:30 pm

There is limited enrollment and these slots go quickly.

As a reminder, this is the class that I teach once yearly. It is my most exhausting class and my most rewarding.

This is a lecture based theory class, so there is no stage time, no do–your-audition–in-front–the-class-and-get-critiqued, class.

This is a show up and get ready to have your life changed... class.

I base that statement solely on the feedback that I receive every time I teach this course.

All you gotta bring is your curiosity, leave the ego at the door and let's figure some shit out. 



If you've lost your love for what you do...

If you've lost your love for auditioning...

If you feel defeated, burnt out, or just fucking tired...

If you had a healthy career, but things just have not been going your way these days...

If you feel like you could just use an injection of information to reignite your interest in your own self tapes...

Come join us. Just do it.

ask around if you've never taken it and i'll 

see you on the 11th!

payment is confirmation. further details to follow. 500. for four weeks, payable via venmo @ leigh-kilton-smith or cash or check or puppies or mini goats... just let us know in advance....

PS. Make sure to include your email in your venmo notes.